Extension Ministry

The Extension Team is assigned the purpose of evangelism. Their target is the unchurched community outside our walls. Their objective is to plan, promote, and oversee all the church's outreach events, evangelistic activities and programs, mission projects, as well as regular missionary support.

        Family Life Ministry

This Family Life Ministry Team is assigned the purpose of fellowship. Their target is the church members. Their goal is to care for the flock. They oversee all pastoral care, hospital visitation, counseling, support groups, weddings, funerals, and benevolence within the congregation. They are responsible for all major fellowship events within our church and the New Members Class. 

Spiritual Formation Ministry

The Spiritual Formation Team is assigned the purpose of Discipleship. Their target is those members who are committed to spiritual growth. Their goal is to lead our members to deeper spiritual commitment and help them develop to spiritual maturity. This Team is responsible for all adult Bible studies, classes, and small groups. 

Connection Ministry

This Connection Team is assigned the purpose of ministry. Their target is the core members. Their objective is to turn members into ministers. Their goal is to help every member of the church find a meaningful place of service that best expresses his or her gifts and abilities. They help them discover their spiritual gifts and guide them into an existing place for ministry or help them establish a new ministry. They also assist in providing leadership training. 

Children's Ministry

Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and men" Luke 2:52

Children's Ministry is responsible for ministry to the Infants, Children and Youth. 

Re-launch is Coming Soon! Stay tuned for details.