
We at Philadelphia Church have at heart for local and international missions. 

We support various missionaries in the heart of Chicago, other parts of the U.S.and all over the world. 

  • Chicago, IL - New Life for girls

    Residential Rehab Program for women struggling with addictions. 

  • Cuba - One Mission Society - Dr. Daniel Grimes

    Working with National Leaders planting churches.

  • Huancayo, Peru - Julio Rojas Flores  

    Training in Farming/Coffee Growing and Bible School

  • Mumbai, India - Eternal Hope   Charity Mission - P.K. Joshua

    Rescuing starving children, working with the destitute, as well as a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center.

  • Munich, Germany -  Chosen People Ministries  -  Igor & Vita Swiderski

    Helping the movement of Messianic Jewish believers in Germany and surrounding Europe.   

  • Nebraska  Outreach pastor Larry butterfield                                                       

    Launching Multi Church Youth Program

  • Tegucigalpa, Honduras -  George Nedrebo  

    Mission Outreach and Feeding Center