

5 Missions in 4 Different Countries...

We at Philadelphia Church have at heart for local and international missions. 

We support various missionaries in the heart of Chicago, other parts of the U.S.and all over the world.

  Donations can be 100% designated to a specific outreach of your choice.  

We are grateful to be able to support them.  


  • UNITED STATES-Nebraska Outreach

    Pastor Larry Butterfield

    Launching Multi Church Youth Program, while interim pastoring several local churches.

  • UNITED STATES-Oklahoma Outreach – HeartMend

    Rev. Dr. Daniel Grimes

    The Grief Recovery Center of Oklahoma (GRCO) aims to bring hope and healing into the lives of individuals facing all kinds of loss. They have helped in suicide loss, drug overdose issues, veterans needs, helping children grieve the loss of family members, and couples with marriage counseling. 

  • Huancayo, Peru

    Pastor Julio Rojas Flores

    Pastoring, Training in Farming/Coffee Growing and a Bible School, deep in the rural areas of Peru.


  • Mumbai, India - Eternal Hope  Charity Mission

    P.K. Joshua

    Rescuing starving children, working with the poor and destitute, Day Care Centers, Free Medical and Legal Aid Assistance for the poor, Women's Welfare Programs, Aged Aged Caring, HIV/AIDS Seminars/Awareness, Community Development, Hostel for     Boys and Girls, Literacy Campaigns, as well as a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center.  


  • Munich, Germany -  Chosen People Ministries  

    Igor & Vita Swiderski

    Igor and Vita were born in the former Soviet Union to Jewish families, but grew up and met in Germany, to where their families had immigrated in the early 90's. They both came to faith in Jesus at a young age through the witness of their Gentile friends. They embarked on a season of theological training in the USA, and lived in the Chicagoland area where they began a family. In 2013, they returned to Germany, where the Lord led them to plant a new Messianic Congregation in the city of Munich, Bavaria which has the second largest Jewish population in Germany, with a vision of planting more Messianic Congregations around Europe. 
